Corporate Governance
In addition to the general unitholders meeting, the Investment Corporation’s governance structure is composed of 1 executive director, 3 supervisory directors, a Board of Directors (comprised of the executive directors and supervisory directors), and an auditor. Pursuant to the provisions of the Investment Trust Act, supervisory directors (who are appointed during the general unitholders meeting) are directors who have no conflicts of interest with the Sponsor and the Sponsor’s related parties.
Appointment of Corporate Directors and Supervisory Directors
Executive directors and supervisory directors were appointed during the 5th general unitholders meeting of the Investment Corporation held on November 22, 2023, effective as of December 1, 2023. The term of office is 2 years for both executive directors and supervisory directors according to the rules of the Investment Corporation.
Title | Name | Reason for Appointment | Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings*1 |
Executive Director |
Taira Jigami | He has experience and insight in real estate investment, management and finance. Accordingly, the company has determined that he possesses sufficient knowledge and experience to fulfill his duties and has elected him as an executive director. | 100% (6 times/6 times)*2 |
Supervisory Director |
Kentaro Shibata | As an attorney, he is familiar with corporate legal affairs and various other related laws and regulations. As a supervisory director of the Investment Corporation, he was determined to have sufficient knowledge and experience to supervise the execution of duties by executive directors and to perform duties as a member of the Board of Directors of the Investment Corporation, and therefore he was appointed as a supervisory director. | 92% (13 times/14 times) |
Supervisory Director |
Koji Nishiuchi | In addition to being familiar with accounting and tax affairs as a certified public accountant, he has experience with real estate transactions. As a supervisory director of the Investment Corporation, he was determined to have sufficient knowledge and experience in supervising the execution of duties by executive directors and performing duties as a member of the Board of Directors of the Investment Corporation, and thus was appointed as a supervisory director. | 100% (14 times/14 times) |
Supervisory Director |
Rie Takenaga | In addition to a broad insight into the fairness and transparency of real estate transactions as a real estate appraiser, she has experience as an external member of the Investment Committee of LRA. As a supervisory director of the Investment Corporation, she was determined to have sufficient knowledge and experience in supervising the execution of duties by executive directors and performing duties as a member of the Board of Directors of the Investment Corporation, and thus was appointed as a supervisory director. | 100% (14 times/14 times) |
*1: | Number and percentage of attendance at the Board of Directors Meetings held in the 14th fiscal period (ended February 28, 2023) and 15th fiscal period (ended August 31, 2023). |
*2: | Following the resignation of former executive director Toshimitsu Fujiwara, Taira Jigami, who was appointed as a substitute executive director at the general unitholders meeting held on November 19, 2021, assumed the position of executive director as of May 1, 2023, during the 15th fiscal period. |
Remuneration for Directors and Corporate Auditors
Under the rules of the Investment Corporation, the maximum monthly amount of executive director compensation is 800,000 yen per person, and the maximum monthly amount of supervisory director compensation is also 800,000 yen per person. The amount of such compensation is determined by the Board of Directors.
Title | Name | Total amount of remuneration for each position in the 15th fiscal period (Thousands of yen) |
Executive Director | Taira Jigami | --*1 |
Supervisory Director | Kentaro Shibata | 1,800 |
Supervisory Director | Koji Nishiuchi | 1,800 |
Supervisory Director | Rie Takenaga | 1,800 |
*1: | Taira Jigami, an executive director, also serves as the president and CEO of LRA and has not received any compensation from the Investment Corporation. Furthermore, Toshimitsu Fujiwara, the former executive director, also did not receive any compensation from the Investment Corporation. |
Periodic Replacement of Auditors
This Investment Company has selected PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan LLC (“PwC”) as its auditor.
To maintain the independence of audits, PwC has established and monitors the following policy regarding the rotation of executive employees.
・The main executive partner may not be involved in the audit services of the Investment Corporation for more than 5 consecutive fiscal periods. Before the re-engagement of the main executive partners, there shall be an interval of 5 accounting periods or at least 2 years.
・Besides the main executive partner, other executive partners may not be involved in the audit services of the Investment Corporation for more than 7 consecutive fiscal periods. Before the re-engagement of those executive partners, there shall be an interval of 2 accounting periods or at least 2 years.
Management entrusted to the asset management company
The Investment Corporation has entrusted the management of assets to LaSalle REIT Advisors K.K., (“LRA” or the “Asset Management Company), in accordance with the provisions of the Investment Trust Act. The asset manager manages the assets of the Investment Corporation in accordance with the Asset Management Agreement executed with the Investment Corporation.
Please refer to this for the organizational structure of the Asset Manager.
Structure of asset management fees
The management fees paid by the Investment Corporation to the Asset Management Company are determined in accordance with the following calculation methods set forth in the terms of the Investment Corporation. By adopting a compensation system that is linked to the Investment Corporation's earnings per unit and the NAV per unit, we believe that the level of alignment with unitholder earnings will contribute to further enhancement of unitholder value.
Asset Management FeeⅠ | (Operating revenues – property leasing fees – other related operating expenses + depreciation and amortization + loss on disposal of fixed assets) x 10% (Maximum Rate) |
Asset Management FeeⅡ | Income before income taxes × Adjusted EPU × 0.002% (maximum rate) |
Asset Management FeeⅢ | Adjusted NAV × NAV per unit for the immediately preceding period × 0.6% (maximum rate) |
Asset Management FeeⅣ | Real estate purchase/sale price or loan origination amount × 1.0% (maximum rate) |
Asset Management FeeⅤ | Value of the real estate-related loans and value of assets held by a counterparty in the case of a consolidation-type merger or an absorption-type merger × 1.0% (maximum rate) |
Investment Unit Ownership Program
In October 2018, LRA introduced a directors’ and employees’ Investment Unit Ownership Association Program, where all executives and employees, including contract employees of LRA and LRA’s sponsor (LaSalle Investment Management K.K.), were allowed to invest in LLR units. The goal of this investment program had an aim toward contributing to the enhancement of unitholder value over the medium-to-long term by promoting an alignment of economic interests between the unitholders of the Investment Corporation, the officers and employees of LRA, and the sponsor.
Taking full account of its social responsibilities and public mission, the Asset Management Company's basic compliance policy is to establish the trust of society through its sound business operations.
Compliance System
The Board of Directors of the Asset Management Company will strive to ensure thorough compliance with laws and regulations, internal regulations, and the Code of Business Ethics. The Board of Directors receives reports on matters approved by the Compliance Committee and makes resolutions on important compliance-related matters.
The Compliance Committee has been established to deliberate and make decisions on the following compliance-related matters.
・Establishment, revision, and abolishment of compliance rules
・Formulation of compliance policies, compliance manuals, and compliance programs
・In terms of compliance, improving measures for acts that are inappropriate and for which there is doubt that they are inappropriate
・Certain stakeholder transactions
The Compliance Committee is composed of the Compliance Officer, an external member (a lawyer who has no conflict of interest with the Asset Manager), and the President and CEO.
Mechanism of Internal Control in Related Party Transactions
Decisions on related party transactions are subject to the approval of the Asset Manager's Compliance Committee and external board members of the Investment Committee. Furthermore, in certain cases, the Investment Corporation’s Board of Directors approves the matters in accordance with the provisions of the Investment Trust Act.
Prohibition of Corrupt Practices Including Bribery
The Asset Manager prohibits all corrupt practices in all its business activities, including bribery, misappropriation, unauthorized bidding, and kickbacks, and such prohibitions are also applicable to suppliers. As a framework to effectively prevent such corruption, we not only observe domestic laws and international practices, but also provide clear guidelines in our Code of Business Ethics and Compliance Manual. We strive to ensure that all officers and employees are thoroughly informed through compliance trainings. From the start of operations of the Investment Corporation until 2023, penalties related to corruption were 0 yen, and no staff were disciplined or dismissed for violation of anti-corruption policies.
・We do not illegally pay money, donate money, or offer other economic benefits to Japanese and foreign public officials and officials of the like.
・We do not give gifts or entertainment to public officials in Japan or abroad or officials of the like in violation of laws and regulations.
・We do not give gifts, entertainment, or other economic benefits beyond the bounds of socially accepted ideas to the directors and employees of business partners, etc. In principle, no cash or gift certificates, etc. will be delivered or received.
・We do not demand private interests such as gifts and bribes from business partners, etc., and we refrain from sending or receiving gifts or bribes by utilizing the position and authority of the company.
All gifts, entertainment, and gifts and entertainment in excess of a certain amount to public officials and persons equivalent thereto must be approved in advance. The history of gifts and entertainment is managed in records by the Compliance Officer and is also subject to internal audits.
For more information about the Anti-Corruption Compliance Program, see here.
Political contributions
The Asset Manager may grant political contributions only when there are justifiable business reasons after approval and legal review in accordance with the Company Rules. From the start of operations of the Investment Corporation until 2023, spending on political contributions was 0 yen.
Internal Whistleblower System
The Asset Manager demands officers and employees to promptly report any violations and potential violations of the Code of Business Ethics. This includes all conduct that is contrary to corporate ethics, including discrimination/violations of human rights, such as unjust working conditions, lack of safety/health in the workplace, corruption, and bribery.
As a whistleblower, the channels in the bullet points below are open to all officers and employees of business partners, etc. Reports can also be made anonymously. In addition, there is a promise to keep the confidentiality of the reporter’s content to the extent possible. The Asset Manager strictly prohibits retaliation and unfavorable treatment of officers and employees who report in good faith any violation or possible violation.
・Direct contact with the Compliance Officer
・Ethics help line operated by an external organization
・Online reports from the intranet to external organizations
For more information about the Internal Whistleblower System, see here.
In addition, the Complaint Handling and Dispute Resolution Department was established within the Asset Management Company. In accordance with the Complaint Handling Regulations, complaints/disputes from external stakeholders such as investors will be appropriately handled. Please refer to the Asset Manager's website for the contact information.
Compliance training
The Asset Manager regularly conducts compliance training for all officers and employees to raise awareness of compliance. Training on corporate ethics is provided for all executives and employees, including contract employees.
Compliance Training in the Fiscal Year 2023
Compliance training | Feb. 2023 |
Business ethics training and compliance confirmation | Jul. 2023 |
Regarding past cases of administrative penalties against asset management companies of investment corporations | Jul. 2023 |
Business ethics training | Dec. 2023 |
Risk Management
As an asset management expert, the Asset Management Company is responsible for accurately identifying and managing various risks (investment risks in particular) and for the best approach to those risks. The asset manager is also aware that inappropriate risk management will result in the impairment of assets under management and damage to the interests of its shareholders. Considering the nature of the asset manager’s operations, the asset manager will appropriately manage and control risks as one of its most important management topics of focus.
Based on the Asset Manager’s “Risk Management Rules”, main risks to be managed are classified as follows.
・Investment risks
・Financial risks
・Operational risks
・System and information security risks
・Legal and compliance risks
・Other risks (reputational risks, etc.)
ESG risk is managed within the framework of the risk categories described above, including acts of corruption, climate change, and bribery, etc.
Risk Management Framework
At the Asset Management Company, the Board of Directors are responsible for the development and supervision of the risk management system (including ESG risk) as one of the most important management topics of focus. In addition, the Board of Directors shall act as a compliance officer and shall be entrusted with the role as the Risk Management Supervisor, who is responsible for overseeing the overall management of risks. The Risk Management Supervisor must conduct effective risk management in accordance with the risk management process stipulated in the “Risk Management Manual”. The Board of Directors decides on the annual risk management plan to be submitted by the Risk Management Supervisor and receives quarterly reports on the status of such initiatives.
Process of risk management
In the event any violation of laws and regulations and/or the Articles of Incorporation (hereinafter referred to as "Incident") is discovered at the Asset Management Company, the person in charge of the department where the Incident occurred shall promptly report to the CEO and the Compliance Officer in accordance with the compliance rules set forth in the “Risk Management Manual”, and the Compliance Officer shall investigate such Incident. The person in charge of the department where the incident occurred shall respond to and be responsible to resolve the Incident, formulate preventive measures, and report it to the CEO and the Compliance Officer. Significant matters are also reported to the Board of Directors. There were no major incidents from the start of operations of the Investment Corporation until 2023.
Internal Audit
The Asset Management Company conducts internal audits at least once a year in order to prevent violations of laws and regulations as well as acts that violate corporate ethics, including bribery and money laundering. With these efforts, the Asset Manager intends to establish appropriate compliance, risk management and internal control systems to ensure the appropriateness and efficient management of operations. Internal audits are conducted for the business activities covering all facets of the Asset Management Company, and the Board of Directors receives reports on the results.